A 200-Hour Online Certification Program
To Become A Meditation Guide
w/ Miles Kessler
New training begins January 2024
If you are interested in joining our next cohort then reserve your spot now.

If you are here then you are considering a path of sharing meditation with others through teaching. How wonderful that you are contemplating this path and I want to commend you for considering to take these life-changing steps.
After 15 years of developing this program, I am happy to announce I'll be opening my 4th cohort of this year-long, 200-hour "Mindfulness Meditation Teachers Training", starting in January 2024.
This program is open to experienced meditators, mindfulness practitioners, coaches, therapists, and facilitators who have established their own practice, understand through their own experience the liberating benefit of meditation, and want to share those benefits with others.
This year-long training is a blend of online training sessions, comprehensive support materials, 1-on-1 guidance and personal supervisions, day-long workshops, and two 1-day retrearts (conducted online until public health situations change).
Please read the training description below. If it resonates with you AND you meet the basic application requirements (or can meet them), then take the next steps. Fill out the application on this page and set up a personal call with me so we can explore if this training is suitable for you.
Miles Kessler
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training
You're an ideal candidate for this training if:
You are committed to your own personal transformation through meditation and you want to share it's life-changing benefits with others.
You are already a mindfulness practitioner, teacher, coach, therapist, or facilitator looking to bring more depth, authenticity, and inner skill to your students and clients.
You are a mindfulness practitioner but feel pulled to take your meditation skills to the next level.
You are already leading mediators and you feel the need to formally deepen your own understanding of the art of teaching meditation.
You want to be able to help your meditation students as they move into the advanced stages of the practice.
You have already attended a retreat or completed a meditation course with Miles and this teacher training feels like the next step for you.
You value the opportunity to be in a practicing member of an interactive, supportive cohort of practitioners in training as you work toward certification.
You are passionate about personal development and self-realization through the practice of meditation.
Join The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program And You Will Receive:

200-Hour, Year-Long Program
Level 1 certification: 3-month intensive program, with 12 weekly meetings w/ Miles
Level-2 Certification: 9-months "relaxed" program with 12 meetings w/ Miles
Weekly practice and study exercises
Bi-weekly "Learning Pod" meetings
Three 1-on-1 supervision sessions with Miles
Monthly meetings with mentor
2 online day retreats w/ Miles
5 bonus trainings w/ Miles

What You Will Learn
How to deliver the Integral Dojo's "Introduction To Mindfulness Meditation" course.
How to teach basic to advanced levels of meditation
How to guide others in a 1-on-1 meditation interview
The art of giving meditation Dharma talks
The essential skills of online facilitation
The ethics of being a meditation mentor
The "Business Of Meditation" training program
Buddhist Psychology for mindfulness meditators
Shadow Work for mindfulness meditators

Your Commitment
A daily meditation practice commitment
Attendance in all 24 online meetings w/ Miles
Weekly study and practice worksheets (90 min per week)
Bi-weekly "Learning Pod" meetings for peer-to-peer practice
Participation in monthly supervisions
Attendance in two 1-day online retreats at the end of certification level 1, and level 2
What Graduates Are Saying...

"Since completing the Mindfulness Meditation Teachers Training I’ve led several successful courses on my own. I fully recommend this training to anyone who wants to start teaching. Take this course and skip many years of trial and error teaching experiences and go directly into what is important and effective. Thank you Miles!"
Moris Saul, Turkey - Entrepreneur, and Meditation Teacher

"Working with Miles in this training gave me deeper insights and perspectives on my own meditation practice and provided all the tools necessary to teach meditation and mindfulness to others. I am now regularly teaching an (highly appreciated) 8 week course to my colleagues at work. I highly recommend anyone having the intention and dedication to deepen their practice and knowledge of how to teach and bring mediation and mindfulness to others to join this course."
Mathias Widstrand, Sweden - Global Leadership Leader at Ingka Centres

"Completing the Mindfulness Meditation Teachers Training helped me to organize my first meditation course with great success. Miles' guidance and depth of insight was very supportive. This training has been a gift for my development as a teacher and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take the next step into teaching meditation."
Danni Juelskjaer, Denmark - Aikido and Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training
Program Structure:

Live Lessons With Miles
The heart of your Mindfulness Meditation Teachers Training program is the live lessons with Miles Kessler. In these regular meetings, you will learn the core lessons and practices that will lead you towards becoming a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher.
Required time: 12 weekly 90 min. meetings for "Level 1" certification, & 12 meetings over 9 months for "Level 2" certification.

Your Weekly Practice
Your commitment to the MMTT meditation requires an equal balance of practice and study. Certification in this program requires you to commit to a sitting meditation practice for 30 min daily. Your daily practice supports you through the study of this course by creating continuous cultivation of insight in your practice.
Required time: 30 min daily, 6 days per week, totaling 3.5 hours per week.

Your Weekly Study
Along with your meditation commitment, you will be required to balance your practice with study. Throughout the program, you will regularly receive practice worksheets to help structure the unfolding of your meditation. You will also be given a reading list of related meditation content to support you in your in this program.
Required time: 15 min. per day, 6 days per week, totalling 90 min. per week.

1-on-1 Learning Pods
An empowering part of the MMTT program are the peer-to-peer "Learning Pods". In these learning pods you will be grouped with another member for self-organized live video meetings, where you can practice together, discuss your experience of the weekly modules, and learn from each other’s experience through the course.
Required time: 60 min sessions, two times monthly.

Day Retreats & Workshops
Upon the completion of each certification level, you will have an online day retreat w/ Miles Kessler. These meditation day-retreats will consist of sitting and walking periods, Dharmas talks, and a 1-on-1 interview. Additionally, you will have 2 bonus day workshops (see below) scheduled during the Level 2 calendar.
Required time: Each day retreat, 8 hours (including lunch break). Each day workshop, 5 hours.

1-on-1 Supervision
Periodically throughout the training, you will receive 1-on-1 supervision sessions with a member of the teaching staff. These supervision sessions will focus on your personal practice, your understanding of the course content, coaching on your work with your students, and also the business aspects of teaching meditation.
Required time: 60 min. per session, total of 3 hours.
Mindfulness Meditation Teachers Training Program Curriculum
Certification Level 1
3 Month Intensive | 12 Weekly Meetings | 1 Day Retreat | 2 Bonus Modules | 82 Practice and Study Hours
Certification Level 2
9 Month Integration | 12 Relaxed Paced Meetings | 1 Online Day Retreat | 4 Bonus Modules | 118 Hours
Miles Kessler is a lineage holder in the Buddhist tradition of Mindfulness Meditation.
He did his formal practice under the guidance of the late Sayadaw U Pandita in Burma, and Sayadaw Vivekananda in Lumbini, Nepal, having spent a total of 3 years on intensive silent vipassana retreats.
For over 20 years Miles has been teaching mindfulness, meditation, and spiritual awakening to thousands of people around the world.
His work focuses on the development of meditative insight, the integration of shadow, and practices for embodying a spiritual life.
What Therapists And Helping Professionals Are Saying...

"Miles offers a clearly structured, rich, and deep learning experience. In all my years of studying, I never had such an excellent combination of learning and practice. Besides that, Miles knows how to build a great learning community which makes the study a wholehearted, living and enjoyable path. If You feel inspired to bring mindfulness meditation to more people in the world, this course definitely is a great chance to learn AND practice how to do it. I highly recommend it."
Annette Rolig, Germany -Bowen Therapist, Aikido & Meditation Teacher

"Miles is an exceptional instructor and gifted facilitator for all mental health professionals looking to enhance their clinical practice with Buddhist psychology and applied mindfulness. The MMTT program specifically offers an accessible breakdown of conceptualizations that translate easily for clinical interventions.
Additionally, I am lucky to have found a teacher like Miles who models how to walk the talk with an emphasis on shadow work and ethics. Not only am I a more skillful psychotherapist after the MMTT training, but my own sitting practice has blossomed under his guidance! Hands down — a ten out of ten rating!"
Michael James Miller - LCSW-BACS

"The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher's training was an intensive, but joyful time. This training offers a very supportive and caring atmosphere, which make it easy for processing of emotional and spiritual development. Learning how to teach meditation helped me to clarify some misunderstandings in my own meditation practice and give me new inspiration. Miles is a very supportive, motivating and energizing teacher. It was great to be part of this course."
Sabine Spatz, Germany - Teacher, Facilitator, & Therapist

"A truly unique journey from start to finish. Studying with Miles is a rare opportunity to learn from a teacher who has a deep understanding of the richness and importance of ancient wisdom. But more importantly, he understands how to bring it to life in the present. This is a deep, experiential dive for becoming a meditation teacher that you will pass on to your own students. A meaningful growth experience for teachers of all levels."
Rich Sims, RSME, RSMT, CTP
When You Complete This Training You Will Be Able To:

Guide Meditators Through The Progress Of Insight
You will have a working understanding of development in meditation happens and how the "progress of insight" unfolds in meditation. With this understanding, you will be able to help meditators avoid sidetracks, backslides, and dead-ends in their practice.

Skillfully Work 1-on-1 In The Meditation Interview
Working 1-on-1 with meditators is the heart of the teaching experience. You will be able to assess where meditators are at in their practice, help them to clarify their current stage, and give them the precise instruction for cultivating the next emerging stage in their pratice.
From Miles' Meditation Apprentices...

"Training with Miles in his Meditation Apprenticeship Program has been an extremely enriching experience for me. His vast knowledge shows in the clarity of explanation and guidance he provides while being able to adapt the message to each person. Furthermore, his commitment to my success has enabled me to accelerate my growth in my mindfulness practice to the point that even after a couple of months into the program I could see the benefits overflowing into my daily life.
Mariana Malcon, Head of Data Science for Guided Selling at HP

"When I first met Miles, I was brand new to meditation, and now I am in his apprenticeship program. At my first meeting, Miles’ presence was warm and inviting, and I was drawn to his teachings immediately. It’s been a few years now since that first meeting, and I have grown and developed so much from his guidance. As a coach, this work has changed the way I show up to my clients and has given me the confidence to guide others in this work. I highly recommend Miles as a meditation teacher to help guide you on the path of mindfulness meditation."
Susan Avallon-Beli, Occupational Therapist, Professional Embodiment Coach

"Miles Kessler’s approach to Mindfulness and utilizing the Big Mind process has transformed my way of interacting with the world. When I began our private sessions, I was cautious, now, I feel the abundance in my life; I am open to everything. Miles has a unique way of guiding that allowed me to get to the truth of my soul and unleash the shadows within. With his support, I'm now able to be with my meditative practice for longer periods with curiosity and patience. He is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."
Amy Levin, Expressive Arts Therapist
A Total Of $1,424 In Value!
Bonus #1: Meditation & Psychology Workshop Series ($291 Value)
What You'll Learn In This 3-Part Workshop Series With Miles Kessler:

Buddhist Psychology For Mindfulness Meditators
28 Lessons | 2 hours | PDF
- Western vs. Buddhist Psychology
- The Spectrum Of Consciousness
- Non-Self vs. non-Dual Perspectives
- The 5 Aggregates
- The Links Of Dependent Origination
*This can be taken as a live 3-hour online workshop, or as self-paced training.
Bonus #2: "Meditation Discovery Cycle" ($468 Value)
A 1 Year Full Access To Miles Kessler's Meditation Membership Program

Twice A Month Live 90 min. Zoom Course Sessions w/ Miles
Two Sundays a month you will meet with Miles and the Discovery Cycle Sangha for a teaching and practice session on the current phase of the Discovery Cycle. The calls will include Dharma talks, breakout group Dharma discussions, and Q&A with Miles for clarifying your practice.
Your course sessions will take place live on Sundays at 11:00 am PDT, 2:00 pm EDT, 19:00 BST, 20:00 CEST, & 21:00 IST

Monthly Q&A On Zoom w/ Miles
Once a month Miles will do a live Q&A session on Zoom for the members of the Discovery Cycle program. In these live 60 min. sessions Miles will answer any questions you have to help clarify your practice. If you cannot join live, the replay will always be available to watch anytime. The Q&A sessions with Miles are a great way to help you to both fine-tune and clarify your practice.
Your live Q&A sessions usually take place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11:00 am PDT, 2:00 pm EDT, 19:00 BST, 20:00 CEST, & 21:00 IST

Monthly Sangha Meeting
Each month you will be able to join our monthly Sangha Meeting which is held on an off week from our group sessions. The Sangha Meetings are peer-led sessions where you will be able to spend time with your fellow meditators to discuss the course material, share about your practice, and of course, sit in meditation together.
Your Sangha Meetings will take place on the second Sunday of the month at 11:00 am PDT, 2:00 pm EDT, 19:00 BST, 20:00 CEST, & 21:00 IST

Weekly Practice Videos
Every 2 weeks you will receive a practice video based on the specific phase of the practice you are in. In these practice videos Miles will give you guidance and short exercises for you to do during the week. These short practice videos are great anchors to support you in your practice of meditation through the Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit, AND Integration.

Course Material Accessible Via Mobile App
All of the course material is accessible on our mobile devices via the Kajabi app. This app gives you full access to the entire Meditation Discovery Cycle program content for viewing or listening to online at your convenience. This app archive is a valuable Dharma resource for you to tap into the wisdom to for years to come.
Bonus 4: "The Business Of Teaching Meditation" ($197 Value)
What You'll Learn In This Self-Paced Training:

Bonus Module 1:
Build Your Brand
In this bonus module, you will learn about building your brand as a meditation teacher. The way you present and position yourself in the marketplace will determine who you serve, and how you will serve them. In this module, you will learn to clarify your core values, identify your "ideal customer", and position yourself in the marketplace to best serve those who work with you.
This session will be scheduled as an axillary session at the end of the "Level 1 Certification" modules.

Bonus Module 2:
Setting Up Your Online Platforms
In this bonus module, you will learn the components necessary to host your community online. We will look at the platforms available for delivering your content, options for building your email list, which software is best for conducting your online meetings, and how to find the best member's site for hosting your courses. This session will give you the basic "platform blueprint" needed to create an integrated system that will become the home for your online community.
This session will be scheduled as an axillary session at the end of the "Level 1 Certification" modules.

Bonus Module 3:
Nurturing Your Relationship Funnel
In this bonus module, you will learn the "relationship funnel" blueprint method of delivering your content to your audience. Each level of the funnel brings members of your audience into a deeper relationship with you. The content you create "nurtures" the relationship with your audience at each level of your funnel, and how you interact with them will invite them into deeper levels of training with you.
This session will be scheduled as an axillary session after the beginning of the "Level 2 Certification" modules.

Bonus Module 3:
The Art Of Content Creation
In this bonus module, you will learn how to build your audience by creating content that will attract the ideal people you want to serve. You will also learn the different media channels available for promoting your content and how to choose the one most suitable for you. Together with knowing your "ideal customer", creating content is your way to nurture the relationship between you and your audience.
This session will be scheduled as an axillary session in the middle of the "Level 2 Certification" modules.

Bonus Module 5
Designing Your Own Unique Course
Part of your development as a teacher is the possibility of creating your own unique course. In this bonus module, you will explore how to find the intersection of your gift to give, plus what your audience actually wants. We will look at the different types of courses (recorded videos, live community meetings, members' site), how to structure your course, and how to give your course members the best experience possible.
This bonus module will be scheduled as an axillary session toward the end of the "Level 2 Certification" modules.

Bonus Module 6:
How To Love Marketing & Sales
In this bonus module, you will learn how to present your course to your audience with an irresistible offer. You will learn how to craft your offer and find the ideal price point. Then you will go into how to design the pre-launch marketing sequence for your offer. Finally, you will learn how to launch your offer to your audience and fill your course.
This bonus module will be scheduled as an axillary session toward the end of the "Level 2 Certification" modules.
Praise For Miles...

“Miles Kessler is a rare kind of teacher. He has cultivated deep meditative discipline, he is a fully embodied Aikido master, and most importantly, his heart is wide open. You can't help but grow in his company."
Diane Musho Hamilton - Zen Roshi, Integral Facilatator, Author Of "The Zen Of You And Me"

"A bow of acknowledgement to Miles for creating his trainings in the Virtual Dojo. If spiritual practice is going to have a part to play in this rapidly changing world, then we need Virtual Dojos to bring us together to share, collaborate and practice "musubi" - connection. With this work Miles is helping us move towards leaving the world a better place.”
Richard Strozzi-Heckler, PhD - Teacher, Executive Leadership Coach, Author "The Leadership Dojo"

"Miles Kessler is a great teacher. But as importantly, he is a wonderful human being with a joy for life, and for all people whose paths cross with his. If you ever have the opportunity to learn from this true master, please do not even consider passing it up. Your life itself will be better for getting to know this exemplary Human Being."
Hon. Eric V. Moyé, - Texas Districtic Judge, Aikido Sensei

"I share a background with Miles of long-term mindfulness and aikido practice. I feel great appreciation for the energy and effort he generates to create opportunities for practitioners of aikido and mindfulness to share how they bring their practice to the world. It is such a gift!"
Wendy Palmer - Executive Coach, CEO of Embodied Leadership, Aikido Sensei, & Author of "Leadership Embodiment", and "The Intuitive Body"

“Miles is one of the wisest and most human facilitators I know. I love him dearly and respect his work."
Mark Walsh - Embodiment Facilitator, and Author of "Embodied Meditation" & "Embodiment - Moving Beyond Mindfulness"

"Miles' spiritual insight, understanding of the Integral perspective, and embodiment of the principles of Aikido make him a rare facilitator and teacher. His unique capacity to share directly with others is an inspiring vision of human transformation.”
Patrick Cassidy - Aikido Sensei, Meditation Teacher, & Conflict Resolution Trainer
Here’s Everything You’ll Be Getting When You Invest In The
"Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training"
200 Hour Certification Program (Levels 1 & 2)
Certification Level 1: 3 Month Intensive | 12 Weekly Meetings | 82 Practice and Study Hours
Certification Level 2: 9 Month Integration | 12 Relaxed Paced Meetings | Bonus 4 Modules | 118 Hour
Weekly Meditation Practice Structure
Weekly Study Structure
Bi-weekly Learning Pod Practice Meet-Ups
Two Day-long Online Meditation Retreats
Three 1-on-1 Supervision Sessions
(Total Of $1,424 Value):
Bonus 1: Meditation & Psychology Workshop Series
Bonus 2: "Meditation Discovery Cycle" Membership Program - 1-Year Full Access Pass
Bonus 3: Buddhist Study Group - 1-Year Full Access Pass
Bonus Training 4: "The Business Of Teaching Meditation" 6-Part Training
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training
Full Program Cost: $4000
PLEASE NOTE: In order to provide individual attention and close support for everyone in each cohort, this training will be limited to 20 students. So if you already know that you are highly interested then we encourage you to submit your application and reserve your spot soon!
STEP 1: Complete And Submit Your Training Application
STEP 2: Schedule Your Interview With Miles
STEP 3: Upon Acceptance, Make Your Payment via The Link Below
Get Started and Submit Your Application Now!
If you're a meditator, mindfulness practitioner, coach, therapist, or facilitator with an established meditation practice and you feel called to share the liberating benefit of meditation with others, then I encourage you to fill out & submit your Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training application!
Once you've submitted your application, I'm looking forward to speaking with you personally to explore together if this training is a suitable fit for you!
Warm Regards,
Miles Kessler
New Cohort starts in January 2024
Join The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program And Start The Investment In Your Future Today!
Make sure you've completed the application and had your call with Miles before paying. Then select the payment plan that works best for you.
Choose The Plan That's Right For You!
MMTT Full Program
1 Time Payment
One-Year Program | 200 Hours
Level One: 3-Month Intensive
Level Two: 9-Month Integration
24 in-person lessons
Three 1-on-1 supervision sessions w/ Miles
By-weekly learning pods for peer-to-peer coaching
Two online day retreats w/ Miles
200 total hours
Bonus package totaling $1,424 in value!
Relaxed Payment Plan
3 Monthly Payments
One-Year Program | 200 Hours
Level One: 3-Month Intensive
Level Two: 9-Month Integration
24 in-person lessons
Three 1-on-1 supervision sessions w/ Miles
By-weekly learning pods for peer-to-peer coaching
Two online day retreats w/ Miles
200 total hours
Bonus package totaling $1,424 in value!
Super Relaxed Payment Plan
6 Monthly Payments
One-Year Program | 200 Hours
Level One: 3-Month Intensive
Level Two: 9-Month Integration
24 in-person lessons
Three 1-on-1 supervision sessions w/ Miles
By-weekly learning pods for peer-to-peer coaching
Two online day retreats w/ Miles
200 total hours
Bonus package totaling $1,424 in value!
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the prerequisites for applying to the program? Tell me more.
What should I do if I don’t quite meet the qualifications for enrollment yet?
Course Structure & Program Duration:
Is the full training program completely online?
What Is The Work Commitment Of The Program? Are There Exams?
Can I start teaching as soon as I'm certified?
Technique and Lineage:
Is there a specific tradition from which the method is derived?
Is the practice method religious?
What are the dates, times and duration of the program?
How long is the program?
Would the sessions be available for replay?
Enrollment & Cancelations: