As a 100% life-affirming martial art, Aikido is unique in the world of Budo. Aikido's founder, O Sensei, was a powerful martial artist, but it was from his profound spiritual awakening that Aikido was born.

Aikido is an art that is both fully martial, and also fully spiritual. As a martial art, Aikido fully meets conflict, but rather than engaging conflict to perpetuate separation, Aikido is an art that restores wholeness. In O Sensei's Aikido "Budo Is Love." 

This is probably best stated by O Sensei's declaration of awakening, his lion's roar:

"Uchu Soku Ware" - The Universe and I are One"

This is Aikido's spiritual core. In this mini-course Aikido Sensei and Meditation teacher Miles Kessler will teach you four aspects of Aikido's spiritual dimension 





The Integral Dojo excited to be offering "The Spiritual Dimensions Of Aikido" to our global Aikido community.

In this mini-course meditation teacher and Aikido sensei Miles Kessler will guide you through Aikido's spiritual dimensions in a step-by-step program where you will learn the perspectives and practices that will awaken Aikido's spiritual potential in your practice, and your life.

Over 4 consecutive modules, and 8 powerful guided meditations you will learn the powerful, effective, and life-changing practices that have already impacted the lives of many people around the world.

Here's What You Will Learn In "Spiritual Dimensions Of Aikido"

4 Course Sessions | 8 Guided Meditations

Session One:

Aikido & Non-Self

Self discovery always begins with the unknown, curiosity and the simple question of "Who am I?" This simple inquiry has fueled spiritual seekers for millennia. In this session you will learn how this is fundamental state that was discovered by all Spiritual Warriors, and how the awakening to non-self means the awakening of no fear. “If you have not Linked yourself To true emptiness, You will never understand Aikido” ~O’Sensei, The Art of Peace

Session Two:

Aikido & Non-Duality

Aikido is an art path that leads you though the territory of conflict. But rather than a conflict that intensifies separation, Aikido is the very process that leads to the restoration of wholeness. In this session you will learn what it means to embrace the dualities of self/other, attacker/defender, uke/nage, etc. It is only through embracing polarities that Aikido makes that shift into non-duality where the finite and infinite merge together in Oneness.

Session Three:

Aikido & The Tantric Path

The word Tantra means "weaving together." In Non-Duality the emphasis is on Oneness. But in Tantra the emphasis is on the multiplicity of forms that lead to that Oneness. In this session you will learn how Aikido is a Tantric Path that embraces differences as the very doorway towards wholeness. As a spiritual warrior of Aikido your job is to turn into, open to, and allow conflict. Because you actually need conflict and the stress and friction it causes in order for things to return to balance.


Session Four:

Aikido & The Evolutionary Impulse

Aikido is an expression of the 14 billion year process that is the evolution of our universe. Waking up to the fact of evolution means we also wake up to the fact that we are evolving. That Aikido itself is evolving. In this session you will learn how the universe is evolving through all of us and how consciously waking up to this fact is awakening the universe itself. You will discover how evolution only happens with "evolutionary tension", when its held, it becomes a process that always moves towards wholeness. This process is the very movement of aikido... and it is always spontaneous, alway creative, and always unpredictable.

Eight Guided Meditation Audios:


In these 8 professional quality recordings, Miles Kessler will guide you into the meditative states that are the very source of Aikido. 

This guided meditation series is straight from our popular "Meditation For Aikidoka" and they are the perfect supplemental practice for any Aikidoka who is interested in the awakening the "Spiritual Dimensions Of Aikido." 

Here are the 8 guided meditations that you'll receive:

  1. Shoshin - Beginner's Mind
  2. Masakatsu Agatsu - Victory Over Self
  3. Misogi - Purification Of The Mind
  4. Zanshin - Sustained Mindfulness
  5. Mushin - No Mind
  6. Fudoshin - Immovable Mind
  7. Daishin - Big Mind/ Big Heart
  8. Takemusu Aiki - Harmony Created From Conflict


Miles Kessler Sensei is an American teacher of Aikido (6th Dan), meditation, and Integral Practice. He lived in Asia for over 12 years achieving mastery in both Aikido and meditation.

Miles studied Aikido full time at the famous Iwama dojo with the late Morihiro Saito Sensei (9th dan Aikikai), for 8 years, including one year as a live-in apprentice (uchi deshi). 

After leaving Japan Miles spent a total of 3 years on intensive Vipassana meditation retreats. He practiced under the guidance of the renowned Burmese meditation master Sayadaw U Pandita in Burma, and Sayadaw U Vivekananda in Lumbini, Nepal. It was under their close guidance that Miles finished his formal meditation training in the Mahasi tradition in 2006. 

 Miles holds lineage in both the Iwama tradition of Aikido, and the Mahasi tradition of Vipassana meditation. This dual lineage is a rare accomplishment, making Miles a unique gift among western teachers.

Miles has been teaching internationally and guiding individuals and groups in developmental and transformational work for the past 20 years.

Miles has lived in Israel since 2006, where he is the guiding teacher of the Integral Dojo - Tel Aviv, a center for Aikido, Dharma, and Integral Practice. 

Here's What Previous Course Participants Are Saying

"Miles's teaching is both profound and simple because it is based on his own true understanding of the dharma. It has given me the skills to connect with and explore my own inner awareness and freedom."

Chantal Waelchli
Zurich, Switzerland

"Miles is a modest and precious teacher who creates an atmosphere that is very pleasant and special. He provides practical tools that helped me to integrate the teachings in daily life and better contain the challenges of a long day."

Micha Ventura
Tel Aviv, Israel

" On my journey Miles has been an immense source of wisdom, a very approachable teacher, and an attentive coach."

Lajos Forras
Budapest, Hungary

"What Miles offers is important and it has made a wonderful difference for my own Aikido, and my work as a hypnotherapist. I feel very grateful for his deep, special work."

Brenda Cheyne
Wellington, New Zealand

"Miles Kessler is a unique teacher. He is extraordinarily skilled as a teacher and guide and I highly recommend this course to all aikidoka everywhere."

Jerry Jordan
Sarasota, Florida

"Miles' style of instruction is ideal for me because it is easy to understand, but complex enough for experienced students as well.Ā He is an endless resource and inspiration."

Amber Adams
Los Angles, California

"Miles Kesslerā€™s understanding of both Aikido and Meditation runs very deep, and very wide. His class is reflective of his lifelong practice; and his ability to synthesize vast amounts of learning in order to meet each student where they are on this path. I am deeply grateful for his guidance. "

Wendy Marsh, BA, LMT
"Marsh Creek Coaching & Bodyworks"

What You'll Receive!

Four 90 min. Course Sessions w/ Miles

These pre-recorded course sessions are available for streaming on our member's site. These sessions are the heart of your "Spiritual Dimensions Of Aikido" course experience. With each session Miles will guide you through the course, combining Dharma Talks, guided meditations, Dharma Discussions, breakout sessions, and a clarifying Q&A session with the course participants at the end of each session.

4 Hours Of Guided Meditation Audio

The core of your solo practice in this course is the 8-part "Guided Meditation For Aikido" audio course. Each session is a 30-minute recorded guided meditation audio to listen to throughout your week. Created exclusively for the "Meditation For Aikidoka" course these "meditation downloads" are powerful catalysts for awakening in the Spiritual Dimensions Of Aikido in your daily life. These professional quality recording are available to you for listening to on line, or to download the audio file for portable listening. 

6 Hours Of Video Downloads

All of the course sessions have been recorded and are available for watching on your member's site. You will have life-time access to the member's site where you can watch, re-watch, download and study the complete course at your convenience.

10 Hours Of Audio Downloads

All of the mini-course sessions have been recorded and are available to you as an audio download. Together with the 8 guided meditation audios you will be able to listen to these recordings on line, or to download to listen at your convenience. These audio archives will be a valuable Dharma resource for you to keep and re-listen to for years to come.

Join The "Spiritual Dimensions Of  Aikido" 4-Part Mini-course And Get Started Today!


Enroll Today And Join The Integral Dojo Global Community!


1 Time Payment

"Spiritual Dimensions Of Aikido"


"Guided Meditation For Aikidoka"

Mini-Course w/ Miles Kessler


Frequently Asked Questions

This mini-course offers 100% online learning so you can take the program from anywhere, no travel required! Each course session is delivered as a pre-recorded video, with the option to watch via streaming on our member's site. You'll also have the option to download the video or audio for your convenience. Just choose the learning option that works best for you. In total there are 8+ hours of content.

Yes! All types of people have gone through this training, both those studying Aikido and those who are not.

As an art based on universal principles, "The Spiritual Dimensions Of Aikido" is full of practical teachings that you can take into any aspect of life and see immediate benefit. 

Alumni include teachers, facilitators, coaches, therapists, mediators, parents, business men and women, students, and cultural creatives. This course for anyone who wants to bring spiritual principles of Aikido into their lives. This training is for anyone who wants to bring forth more light into the world.

When you purchase the "Spiritual Dimensions Of Aikido" you'll have a full month - that's 30 days - to go through the sessions and apply the teachings to your Aikido and your life. If you complete all the session and you're still not satisfied with tangible results of this course, then just let me know and I'll give you a full refund.

That's how confident I am in the value of the transformational experience you'll get from the "Spiritual Dimensions Of Aikido." I can't think of a more fair and reasonable offer than that.

We’re ready to answer them! Just email us at [email protected]


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