Self-paced online training w/ Miles Kessler

The 6 Stages Of Personal Growth & Spiritual Evolution




If you're on a quest towards personal and spiritual evolution, and you're frustrated because you haven't felt a direct sense of development for some time...

Or if you've been working for years trying to actualize your full potential and give your gifts to the world but you keep walking into pitfalls and dead-ends that hold you back from progress

Then make sure you read this letter right now because...

In just a moment, I'm going to share with you a developmental system I use in my Aikido practice to:

  • Cultivate greater awareness, connection, and creativity
  • Navigate through conflicts in challenging situation with effectiveness and poise
  • Drive your development forward and actualize your highest potential

The great thing about this system is that it follows the blueprint of natural human development - it's already inside you - and you can learn to take advantage of it right now.

A Life-Long Journey Of

If you're frustrated you've invested years working to reach mastery (that you KNOW others have attained)... but you're still not quite there, and you can't seem to figure out why ...

Then you'll want to read every word of this page...

Because this system is a proven path for continuous growth and mastery of very process of your evolution.

Now, I know this is a big claim... so before we go any further, there's one thing I want to make sure you understand:

I don't believe in "instant enlightenment", or cool techniques that involve quick-fix solutions, wishful thinking, or feel-good experiences. That's why...

The System You’re About To Learn Is Probably Not Like Anything Else You’ve Seen Or Tried

What I teach is based on the fundamental and verifiable principles of human evolution, rather than the latest new-age trend.

It seems that every day there's a book or another "Guru" popping up claiming they've discovered the "ultimate secret."

While these fly by night fads always seem to be focused on superficial practices that only lend temporary results, when it comes to transformational work, I've always been one to focus on the "deep dive" approach.

Taking this approach has really paid off for my students and me in the long run, and I think it will for you, too.

And it's not really surprising, considering the empirical studies this system is based on...


Combining Traditional Wisdom, Developmental Psychology, And The Conflict Resolution Of Aikido

This system is based on the timeless wisdom of spiritual traditions, groundbreaking discoveries in Developmental Psychology, & the conflict resolution inherent in art of Aikido.

After 30 years commitment on the path ofAikido, reseraching human consciousness through meditation and spritual work, immersing myself in the world Intergral Theory and Spiral Dynamics, and 15 years of teaching hundreds of individuals and groups around the world... 

I've developed a proven 6 Stage system that anyone can use to:

  • Take an assessment on the developmental stage to gain clarity on the next steps
  • Identify and avoid blocks, pitfalls and backslides that lead to dead-ends
  • Establish practices that facilitate continual growth across all areas of life

I've put this system inside a training program I call, "Evolution Of Response", and I'd like to share that with you right now...


Evolution Of Response

The 6-Stage Developmental System For Greater Awareness,
Connection, & Creativity In Aikido & In Life

The Evolution Of Response is a live online training program that will guide you through the 6-steps of continuous personal and spiritual development - your very own source code of human evolution - and teach you how to integrate this process into your life.

This is a system of vertical learning I have developed and refined for over 20 years of working with hundreds of individuals and groups in the laboratories of Aikido dojos, businesses, think tanks, and organizations. 

If you're lacking a clear direction on your developmental path, of feel that you keep hitting the same wall, then this program is going to reset your compass, optimize your practice, and move you forward on your path.

If you struggle to maintain balance when experiencing stress and conflict, this program will help you to face and contain life's challenges with the effectiveness, poise, and the clarity of a Zen master.

If you're frustrated after investing many years in personal and spiritual practice, but you still feel far from achieving mastery, this program will help you understand what you're doing wrong, and show you that the goal is much closer than you think.

Letter From Miles Kessler

Hello All,

I'm excited to announce that for only the second time I will be offering a comprehensive 8-week on line program to teach you the practice of "Evolution Of Response".

I have been teaching Aikido, meditation, and "Integral Practice" for over 20 years. Yet, even though these rich disciplines are expressions of the source code of the universe... all to often they are not connected.

On my own spiritual path I have had the honor of deeply learning from some of the greatest masters in the Aikido and Buddhist meditation traditions, as well as deep fellowship with some of the top Integral facilitators. Together with their invaluable guidance I have also had the great privilege of being in spiritual friendship with a global community of teachers and researchers who are tirelessly working to evolve culture and consciousness in a way that meets the needs of life in the 21st century.

Both in my teaching travels and here at home, I am regularly approached by students who are seeking to unlock their greater potential in a way that is both meaningful and applicable to their lives. It is with this clear communal need that I have developed this course... just for you.

Through out this course, together with your global practice community you will learn the potent, life-changing developmental practices that have already transformed the lives of many.

I hope that you will join me in this developmental journey of awakening through the practice of the "Evolution Of Response".

With Love,



"Miles Kessler is a unique teacher. He is extraordinarily skilled as a guide and I highly recommend this course to all aikidoka everywhere."

Jerry Jordan, U.S.A.
Teacher ACIM

"Thank you for the EOR course! It's very original approach helped me with a lot of questions I had about aikido in a systematic and holistic way. It was very accessible during my full time engagement in daily life... and the Learning Pods were very enriching!"

Pierrot Hans

"Miles is a great teacher! He has a superb ability to transmit the essence of the teachings, help align each student with the practice, and stay sensitive to each of their individualities. These courses help me gain the highest well being for myself and the people I love."

Alex Zaltsman
Zurich, Switzerland

"These online trainings help me to understand my experiences on my spiritual path. For me it is supportive to share the thoughts in a very honest way with others, hear their words, hear my words, and surprise myself. It's easier to go further."

Sabine, Germanyā€Ø
Aikido Teacher, AIM Therapist

"Miles's teaching is both profound and simple because it is based on his own true understanding of the dharma. It has given me the skills to connect with and explore my own inner awareness and freedom."

Chantal Waelchli
Zurich, Switzerland

"Miles Kesslerā€™s understanding runs very deep, and very wide. His teaching is reflective of his lifelong practice; and his ability to synthesize vast amounts of learning in order to meet each student where they are on this path. I am deeply grateful for his guidance. "

Wendy Marsh, BA, LMT
"Marsh Creek Coaching & Bodyworks"

"Miles is a modest and precious teacher who creates an atmosphere that is very pleasant and special. He provides practical tools that helped me to integrate the teachings in daily life and better contain the challenges of a long day."

Micha, Israel
Movement Therapist

"Miles' style of instruction is ideal because it is easy to understand, but complex enough for experienced students as well.Ā He is an endless resource and inspiration. I hope I get a chance to take this class again!"

Amber Adams
Los Angles, U.S.A.

"This course has absolutely enriched me! Miles Kessler skillfully blends his solid experience in both Aikido and meditation into this excellent and unique course that serves both beginners and experienced practitioners. This course is very interactive and rich in content, activities, and support."

Martine Shelley
Aikido & Chi Gonq Instructor

"Connecting with Miles and the Integral Dojo community has helped me to grow by finding deeper meaning in my practice. What Miles offers is important and it has made a wonderful difference for my own meditation, Aikido, and my work as a hypnotherapist. I feel very grateful for his deep, special work."

Brenda Cheyne, New Zealand

"The Integral Dojo's online courses have taken my Aikido to a new level of understanding. More importantly, working with Miles has opened new visions in my spiritual practice. It has been a turning point in my life."

Moris Saul
Izmir, Turkey

"The "Meditation For Aikidoka" course helped me to make important progress in both my meditation and aikido practice. The virtual classes, community calls, along with the dharma discussions available online all helped to implement into daily practice what earlier was sort of a struggle. On my journey Miles has been an immense source of wisdom, a very approachable teacher, and an attentive coach."

Lajos Forras, Hungary
Corporate Coach

Here's What You Will Learn In The

Module 1: Align With Your Evolutionary Potential

  • Understand the deeper function of INSPIRATION in your life... and how it is the first necessary component to achieving your higher potential
  • Actualize - Align your life with your TRUE potential
  • Identify the specific challenges that hold you back from achieving your true potential (...and begin the work to overcome them)
  • Engage the teaching of "Vertical Learning" and unlock the secret to a life-long journey of personal evolution

Module 2: Survival Reaction - Owning Your Fear

  • Understand you biological conditioning and the effects it constantly has on your (it's more powerful than you can imagine...)
  • Learn your "Survival Reaction" type - what "triggers" you - and how to avoid the trap of 'Fight, Flight, Freeze'.
  • Learn to create the optimal inner and outer conditions for going beyond fear
  • Establish practices to integrate your ability to "own your fear" in all aspects of life

Module 3: Emotional Reactions - Getting To Know Your Control Drama

  • Learn to shine the light of awareness on the unconscious complexities of human relations
  • Get to know your one "control drama" - and the situations that "trigger" you
  • Integrate your emotional reactions into a fuller sense of "Self"
  • Master the difference between "having an emotion" and "the emotion having you"

Module 4: The Choice Maker - The Power Of INTENTION

  • ENGAGE choice to EMPOWER your life
  • Wake up tothe "Bad Habits" that limit your life - and learn to replace them with healthy "Good Habits
  • "Know Thyself" - Choose who you want to be and how you want to be in the world
  • Align with the "Choice Maker" and understand the empowering effect of responsibility

Module 5: Centered Awareness Response - Containing Your Experience

  • Establish "Centered Awareness Response" and discover the impact this practice has in your life
  • Choose your top 3 practices to improve the way you respond to Stress and Conflict
  • Learn the indicators and competencies of "Centered Awareness"
  • Create the foundation for your future development

Module 6: Intuitive Response - Connecting Through Awareness

  • Develop your capacity to stay open and allowing with others
  • Learn how to resolve arguments and misunderstanding quickly
  • Cultivate the ability to stay connected in the middle of stress and conflict with others
  • Fine-tune your intuition to feel the needs, desires, and intentions of others
    Increase your Emotional Intelligence and dramatically improve your personal relationships

Module 7: Creative Response - An Awakened, Aware, And Connected System

  • Align with your "Higher Intelligence" and allow it to guide you towards creative solutions
  • Awaken to "inter-connectivity" and co-create more functional relationships
  • Learn to be "Agenda Free" with others and discover the true purpose of each relationship in your life
  • Discover the natural intelligence that moves through the system and ALWAYS leads to satisfying meetings with others

Module 8: The Fully-Integrated Human Being

  • Understand your "Kosmic Address" - your developmental location on the stages of "Evolution Of Response"
  • Take action by turning your key takeaways from this program into a plan to transform your life
  • Courageously step into the new way of being in the world.
  • Integrate the "Evolution Of Response" system into your life in a way that is more Awake, Connected and Creative.

About Miles Kessler

Miles Kessler Sensei is an American teacher of Aikido (6th Dan), meditation, and Integral Practice. He lived in Asia for over 12 years achieving mastery in both Aikido and meditation.

Miles studied Aikido full time at the famous Iwama dojo with the late Morihiro Saito Sensei (9th dan Aikikai), including one year as a live-in apprentence (uchi deshi). 

After leaving Japan Miles spent a total of 3 years on intensive Vipassana meditation retreats. He practiced under the guidance of the renowned Burmese meditation master Sayadaw U Pandita in Burma, and Sayadaw U Vivekananda in Lumbini, Nepal. It was under their close guidance that Miles finished his formal meditation training in the Mahasi tradition in 2006. 

Miles holds lineage in both the Iwama tradition of Aikido, and the Mahasi tradition of Vipassana meditation. This dual lineage is a rare accomplishment, making Miles a unique gift among western teachers.

Miles has been teaching internationally and guiding individuals and groups in developmental and transformational work for the past 20 years.

Miles has lived in Israel since 2006, where he is the guiding teacher of the Integral Dojo - Tel Aviv, a center for Aikido, Dharma, and Integral Practice. 

Here’s What Other Teachers Are Saying About Miles

Diane Musho Hamilton - Zen Sensei, Integral Facilitator, Author Of "The Zen Of You And Me"

“Miles Kessler is a rare kind of teacher. He has cultivated deep meditative discipline, he is a fully embodied Aikido master, and most importantly, his heart is wide open. You can't help but grow in his company."

Richard Strozzi-Heckler, PhD - 7th dan Aikido Sensei, Executive Leadership Coach, Author of "In Search Of The Warrior Spirit"

"A bow of acknowledgement to Miles for creating the Virtual Dojo. If Aikido is going to have a part to play in this rapidly changing world, then we need Virtual Dojos to bring us together to share, collaborate and practice musubi. With this work Miles is helping us move towards leaving the world a better place.”

Linda Holiday Sensei - 6th Dan Aikido Teacher, Director of Aikido Santa Cruz, Author of "Journey To The Heart Of Aikido"

“Miles’ teaching resonates with clarity and truth. You get a sense that his mind, heart and body are all in alignment as he speaks. His sincerity and humility make what he offers even more accessible and valuable.”

Lawrence Koichi Barrish - Senior Shinto Priest of Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America, Dojo-Cho Kannagara Aikido

"Kessler Sensei embodies an abundant passion, penetrating understanding, and unusual depth of ability. Koichi Tohei Sensei once remarked that we human beings are like “people who have been bequeathed golden treasure by our parents, yet leave that treasure locked away, and instead beg for pennies”. It is my opinion that this describes much of what we see under the umbrella term “Aikido”. A welcome and bright exception would be the clarity and vision so elegantly expressed through the work of Miles Kessler Sensei.”

Wendy Palmer Sensei - 6th Dan Aikido Sensei, Embodied Leadership Author of "The Practice Of Freedom: Aikido Principles As A Spiritual Guide"

"I share a background with Miles of long-term mindfulness and aikido practice. I feel great appreciation for the energy and effort he generates to create opportunities for practitioners of aikido and mindfulness to share how they bring their practice to the world. It is such a gift!"

Patrick Cassidy - 6th Dan Aikido Sensei, Meditation Teacher, Conflict Resolution Trainer

"Miles' spiritual insight, understanding of the Integral perspective, and embodiment of the principles of Aikido make him an rare facilitator and teacher. His unique capacity to share directly with others is an inspiring vision of human transformation.”

Mark Walsh - Coach in “Embodied Business”, “Leadership Training”, Director of Integration Training

“Miles is one of the wisest and most human facilitators I know. I love him dearly and respect his work."



Eight 90 min. Sessions w/ Miles

These pre-recorded sessions are the heart of your EOR course experience. In each session Miles will guide you through each module of the "Evolution Of Response" course, combining Dharma Talks, reflection periods, and experiential practice breakout sessions. Each session ends with a clarifying Q&A session with the course participants.

Three Q&A Sessions w/ Miles

These three pre-recorded community Q&A sessions are the perfect opportunity for a deeper exploration of the Evolution Of Response in a group setting. Through this Q&A dialogue, Miles guides you in refining your understanding of the EOR, clarifying your module practices, and helping you to overcome any challenges you may be encountering. Group coaching with Miles is a powerful process and you will benefit from learning from the experiences of others. These sessions are the perfect way to tap into the collective intelligence of the global sangha.

"Evolution Of Response" Course Book

The EOR Course Book is your go to overview of the complete Evolution Of Response system. Inside you will fine an in-depth description of each of the EOR levels, your weekly practice guide and worksheets, and the 3 EOR reference charts for orienting your practice. The EOR Course Book will be delivered to you in PDF digital format for studying on your digital devices, or printing out for your convenience.

Eight Pre-Recorded Practice Videos

For each module, you will receive a practice video from Miles (approx. 20 min.) where he will take you on a further exploration of the module topic. In these video lessons, Miles will help you to gain a deeper understanding of your EOR practice by introducing practices that can be applied directly to your daily life.

Weekly Personal Practice Worksheets

For each of the eight modules you will receive a personal practice worksheet in PDF digital format. The worksheets contain easy to do exercises that will help you translate the course practice into your dojo and your daily life. These worksheets are great resources that outline the key points from your weekly module sessions and help you integrate the practices and principles of the Evolution Of Response into your life.

20 Hours Of Video & Audio Replays For Streaming & Downloading

All of the course sessions, Q&A sessions, and practice videos will be available in audio and video on your member's site. You will have life-time access to the member's site where you can watch, re-watch, download and study the complete course at your convenience.

EOR Practice Reference Charts

One of the best ways to navigate the territory of theEvolution Of Response is with your detailed reference charts. Each colorful chart serves as a map that lays out the Evolution Of Response territory in clear orienting detail. Your will get 1) the "Vertical Learning" chart for understanding the intelligences and values of each stage, 2) the "Key Fulcrum Practices" chart for the best practices to strengthen your current stage, and to leverage your next stage, and 3) "The 3 Primary Perspectives" chart that show you how each level of the EOR is expressed in yourself, your relationships, and in the world.


Bonus 1

"The Evolution Of Aikido Sessions"

7 Sessions  From The Leading Edge Of Aikido

For this bonus I have reached into the Integral Dojo archive vault for 7 sessions, with 10 inspiring teachers that are living expressions of Aikido's emerging paradigm. These pre-recorded sessions are sure to keep you and your Aikido right at the leading edge. 

Check Out These 7 Inspiring Sessions:

  • Wendy Palmer Sensei | "From Me To We"
  • Patrick Cassidy Sensei | "The Evolution Of Aikido Practice & Culture"
  • Richard Strozzi-Heckler Sensei | "Aikido In The 21st Century"
  • Miles Kessler | "Aikido's Emerging Paradigm"
  • Patrick Cassidy & Miles Kessler: "Evolutionary Aikido"
  • Panel Discussion: "Is Aikido A Martial Art?" - Roy Dean, Vince Salvatore, Corky Quakenbush, Lenny Sly, & Miles Kessler
  • World Cafe: "What Is The Future Of Aikido?" - Anita Paalvast & Miles Kessler
$97 Value - FREE When You Purchase The Evolution Of Response







Bonus 2

"From The Dojo To The World"

6 Sensei Audio Course & Ebook

In 2015 The Integral Dojo produced the online ecourse "From The Dojo To The World" w/ 6 of the Aikido world's most inspiring teachers. All 6 of these sessions are now packaged in an e-course w/ audios of each session, as well as a transcribed PDF ebook of each session.

Here's what you will learn from these inspiring teachers:

  • Robert Frager Sensei: "O Sensei's Floating Bridge"
  • Richard Strozzi-Heckler Sensei: "The Leadership Dojo"
  • Richard Moon Sensei: "Aikido In 3 Easy Lessons"
  • Paul Linden: "Embodied Peacemaking"
  • Patrick Cassidy: "Evolutionary Aikido"
  • Miles Kessler: "Polarity & Unity In Aikido"
$97 Value - FREE When You Purchase The Evolution Of Response



Join The Evolution Of Response 8-Week Course
And Get Started Today!

What you will get when you invest in this program:

  • Eight 90 min. Course Sessions
  • Three Q&A Sessions
  • The Evolution Of Response Course Book
  • Eight Practice Videos
  • Eight Personal Practice Worksheets
  • 3 EOR Practice Reference Charts
  • 20 Hours Of Video and Audio For Streaming Or Downloading


  • "The Evolution Of Aikido Sessions" w/ 10 Inspiring Teachers
  • "From The Dojo To The World" - 6 Sensei Audio Course & Ebook 

A Total $194 Value In Bonuses - FREE To You When You Join "Evolution Of Response"

Join the "Evolution Of Response" self-paced training, and get started on your evolution today!



  •  Eight 90 min. sessions 
  • Three Q&A Sessions
  • The Evolution Of Response Course Book
  • Eight Practice Videos 
  • Eight Personal Practice Worksheets
  • 3 EOR Practice Reference Charts

Plus Bonuses ($194 Value):

  • "The Evolution Of Aikido Sessions" w/ 10 Inspiring Teachers
  • "From The Dojo To The World" - 6 Sensei Audio Course & Ebook 
Register Now

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