Aiki-Ken Masterclass

Miles Kessler Sensei

6th Dan Aikikai

Course Two:

The Complete Bokken 
Suburi & Awase Practices


The Complete Foundation For The Aikido Bokken

5 Modules  |  30+ Instructional Videos  |  A Lifetime Of Learning

Get Grounded In The Basic Suburi Striking Techniques
Discover The Keys For Perfecting Your "Awase" Blending Skills
Learn The Core Practices For Mastering The Aikido Bokken

Aiki-Ken Masterclass - Course Two:
The Complete Bokken Suburi & Awase Practices

Module 1:
Introduction To Basic Suburi

What You'll Learn:

  • Everything you need to master the basic suburi forms
  • The purpose and necessity of bokken suburi.
  • The proper speed and rhythm for bokken suburi practice.
  • The benefit that bokken suburi has on your partner practices.

Module 2:
Advanced Suburi: Directional Cuts

What You'll Learn:

  • Six basic and advanced directional cutting practices.
  • Basic and advanced footwork for turning in multiple directions.
  • The proper bokken lifting techniques in the different directional cutting forms.
  • Advanced applications of directional cutting forms.

Module 3:
The Basics Of "Awase" - Blending

What You'll Learn:

  • The two types of blending forms in the awase practice.
  • The key points of blending for all the awase forms.
  • The 4 key points for "no contact awase" practices.
  • The 5 key points of "contact awase" practices.

Module 4: 
No Contact Blending Exercises

What You'll Learn:

  • The 8 basic "no contact awase" practices.
  • The basic "no contact awase" practices with multiple targets.
  • Complex application of the "no contact" awase forms.
  • The basic "no contact awase" practices with multiple attackers.

Module 5: 
Contact Blending Exercises

What You'll Learn:

  • The 2 types of receiving cuts in "contact awase".
  • The basic forms of "contact awase" practices.
  • The importance of maintaining contact with partner's bokken.
  • The proper parrying techniques against partners attack.

About Miles Kessler Sensei

Miles Kessler (6th Dan Aikikai) is the founder and chief instructor of the Integral Dojo in Tel Aviv, as well as the director of the Integral Dojo online. He is a lineage holder in the "Iwama Aiki-Ken" tradition, having lived and studied full time under the guidance of Morihiro Saito Sensei in Iwama, Japan for 8 years.

Miles has been teaching Aikido seminars in Tai Jitsu, Aiki-Ken, and Aiki-Jo internationally for 25 years. He is a popular teacher known for his unique ability to take complex techniques and principles and break them down into simple and easy to understand teachings.

Miles is one of the most innovative teachers in the Aikido world, having created several Aikido-based personal development programs such as "Meditation For Aikidoka", the "Evolution Of Response", the "Aikido At The Leading Edge" tele-summit, and the paradigm shifting "Dead Sea Seminars."

This "Aiki-Ken Masterclass" is your opportunity to train directly Miles and learn from his rich experience of over 35 years in the art of Aikido.

What people are saying about this course: 

"Great course! I have never heard the principles of the Aiki-Ken explained in such a clear way. My practice will be guided by a deeper understanding from now on — and so will my teaching!" 

~ Jacob, Germany

"I have learned more in this Bokken series than I have with several years of Aikido practice. Thank You Miles - Please continue!"

~ Michael, U.S.A.

"Everybody always talks about focusing on the fundamentals. Very few people can actually show you those fundamentals in a clear manner. This course is exactly that. Absolutely brilliant!"

~ John, UK

"This series has brought to light a higher level of Aiki-Ken than I thought possible. Thank you!"

~ Robert, U.S.A.

"Best money I've spent in a long time. Thank You Sensei!"

~ Mike, U.S.A.

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Aiki-Ken Masterclass

Course Two:

The Complete Bokken Suburi & Awase Practices


Lifetime Access

5 Learning Modules | 30+ Videos

  • Module 1: Basic Bokken Suburi
  • Module 2: Advanced Bokken Suburi
  • Module 3: The Basics Of Bokken Awase
  • Module 4: "Awase" Blending Without Contact
  • Module 5: "Awase" Blending With Contact